The Urbasolar group is a key player in solar photovoltaic and, to this end, has a goal of significantly contributing to the development of this energy on a large scale so that it supplies a major portion of humanity’s energy needs.employeesplantspeople supplied with green electricityof investments

Quality, Security, Environment

Developer of technical and environmental quality issues, ISO 9001 and 14001 certified, Urbasolar is the 1st French group to have obtained AQPV certification (French photovoltaic quality alliance).

Research and development

A key factor in the development and growth of the group, Urbasolar dedicates 3% of its turnover every year to R&D.

Contribute to the energy transition of your region!

Do you have an abandoned piece of real estate, roofs, or parking areas?

Renovate your degraded sites!

Do you have a degraded piece of property?

Optimize your energy bill!

In the face of inevitable increases in the price of electricity…

Reduce your carbon footprint!

The installation of a solar photovoltaic power plant on your property…

Couple energy production with agricultural activity!

Vegetable growers, market gardeners, horticulturists…