Reduce your carbon footprint !The installation of a solar photovoltaic power plant on your property will reduce CO2 emissions while locally producing low-carbon electricity.A true steering tool for CSR policies, solar photovoltaic energy offers you the possibility to show your environmental engagement and to act for a greener plant. By becoming a cornerstone in a global movement, bringing many together around a visible project, it allows you to create a real dynamic in favor of the energy transition.
Opt for solar energy and boost your CSR!COVER YOUR PARKING AREAS

An expert in the creation of parking canopies, today Urbasolar is a recognized leader in this sector. With installations of every capacity, on industrial, commercial, hospital, and even public sites, the group accompanies you in the transformation of your parking areas into electricity production units.
The variety of solutions that we offer can create any configuration to suit any layout (electric vehicle recharging stations, night lighting, etc.).
Urbasolar integrates the design and construction of the installation to perfect completion, using all the expertise and specifications of the various professions involved in such a project, as well as the implementation of builder guarantees. Urbasolar is the general contractor for your installation and takes responsibility as such for the deadline, price, and quality.
Our turnkey offer includes detailed engineering of the project, administrative and urban planning processes, calls for offers proposals, installation construction, quality audits, the various tests, and commissioning.
Make your parking areas productive!OPEN THE PROJECT UP TO PROJECT ASSOCIATES

To promote local investment, we offer the associates of your business or group the opportunity to participate in these projects in a win-win process.
The gathering of funds from individual investors – organized through dedicated AMF accredited platforms – allows for individuals to participate in a solar project with a contribution within their means.
The process is then similar to any other type of financial placement; the invested sums are repaid each year with an attractive interest rate.
This type of investment has several advantages :

Adaptable, they can be tailored to the needs and desires of everyone, and present many benefits in terms of local, social, and environmental integration.

Poste Immo, a subsidiary of the La Poste Group, is the real estate holding company and operator of the group. Its creation in 2004 responded to 3 major objectives:

It acts both as a real estate agent and as a service provider for the property holdings of 13,000 buildings and 7.6 million m². The company implements the La Poste group’s real estate policy and has developed an ambitious responsible development policy.
To put this ambition into action, the Poste Immo signed a joint-venture with Urbasolar and Omnes Capital for the development and financing of photovoltaic projects throughout its real estate holdings. This process meant that the installation of photovoltaic power plants could be maximized under the technical, operational, and economic constraints. The conclusion of the partnership was accompanied by the creation of a holding company held by Urbasolar and Poste Immo Energies Renouvelables, which manages all the photovoltaic installations jointly.
Today, 52 solar plants have been installed on different sites, mail platforms, sorting centers, and more representing more than 100,000 m² of equipped roofs.“THE NÎMES UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL ACTS IN FAVOR OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”

Interview with Marie-Laure Piqué, Engineering and Christophe Chaussende, Purchasing Director / Logistics – material resource center – Nîmes university hospital
To optimize resources, the hospital made the decision to invest in renewable energy and thus participate in the energy transition without engaging investments. Urbasolar was the one to invest, design, install, and operate the 17,000 m2 of photovoltaic parking canopies with a capacity of 2.3 MWp.
“We consulted with several companies specialized in photovoltaic energy to truly understand the economic models, with the goal of integrating into the university hospital establishment the installation of parking canopies. This operation allowed us to redesign the organization of the parking area in terms of quality, to create additional spaces, to develop alternatives to cars, and to increase carpooling, with the goal of reducing the amount of vehicles circulating at the hospital. A call for offers was launched at the beginning of 2017 and Urbasolar was selected for the pertinence and professionalism of their proposal, as well as it offering a more esthetically pleasing metal and wood solution.” With this project, the Nîmes Hospital is rethinking travel by reserving parking spaces for carpools, installing electric recharging stations, and is preparing to install electric bicycles for its employees.
For Marie-Laure Piqué, these canopies are part of a global social liability* process that is part of the hospital’s 2017-2021 establishment plan: “The hospital has instated for several years now, a policy of energy economy and the streamlining of water consumption in different logistical sectors. A technician is responsible for the energy management of the hospital. In this way, we can closely track consumption.”